Scientific name
Scomber coliasEnglish name
Atlantic Chub MackerelFrench name
Maquereau espagnol atlantiqueSpanish name
Estornino del AtlánticoLocal name
- WR (Whole Round)
Catch / Harvest Method
- Trawling
Additional information
“Southern” Atlantic mackerel is widespread along the western coast of Africa. The length of a body of a fish makes 17-33 cm without obvious domination of any dimensional group. Spike has gentler consistence. The mackerel makes vertical migrations: it keeps in seabed layers of water in the afternoon, and rises to a water surface at night. It lives in a layer of water from a surface up to deep of 300 m. It eats zooplankton. Meat is cream-white. The content of fat in meat of the mackerel caught in area Morocco Mauritania range from 3 % (February-March) up to 15 % (August)
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